Hello, PIDS friends! Here's our #PIDSFactFriday for the week on the country’s green economy.

A PIDS study that looked into the green economy noted that the Philippine concept of green jobs is very general that it can be applied in any sector and any employment position that “protects ecosystems and biodiversity; reduces energy, materials, and water consumption through high-efficiency strategies; decarbonizes the economy; and minimizes or altogether avoids the generation of all forms of waste and pollution” (Republic Act 10771 or the Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016). In 2016, about 7 million Filipinos, or roughly 17 percent of employed workers, were in the green sector. They were employed in the services (4.3 million), industry (1.6 million), and agriculture (1.3 million) sectors.

Know more about the study titled “Greening the Philippine Employment Projections Model: New Estimates and Policy Options” here: https://pids.gov.ph/publications/7557.

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