Health - Matches
Showing 61-75 of 522 items.
The Philippines has one of the lowest screening rates of breast and cervical cancer in the world, with only about 1 percent or 540,000 out of 54 milli..
In the News
Strengthened relations with the United States and the Armed Forces of the Philippines modernization program are giving way to a robust defense industr..
In the News
Only 1 percent of Filipino women gets tested for cervical and breast cancer, a study conducted by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PI..
In the News
MANILA, Philippines — Screening for breast and cervical cancer among Filipino women could be the lowest in the world with just one percent of el..
In the News
Data show that for breast cancer alone, 27,000 new cases are reported each year while 9,000 women die annually.
Screening for breast and cervical can..
In the News
ONLY 1% OF FILIPINO women are screened for breast and cervical cancer, according to a government think tank, the Philippine Institute for Development ..
In the News
Screening for breast and cervical cancer among Filipino women could be the lowest in the world with just 1 percent of eligible women getting themselve..
In the News
A fellow from the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) found that only 1 percent of eligible Filipinas are getting tested for breast an..
In the News
How much does it cost for the Philippine government to implement a viable and effective campaign for cancer prevention, detection, and treatment among..
In the News
This paper used incidence analysis to examine the financial costs and benefits of the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) through the Philippine ..
Philippine Journal of Development
This paper reviews the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation’s (PhilHealth) performance from 2015 to 2019 based on the three areas of health f..
Philippine Journal of Development
This paper measures Philippine hospitals’ management practices and service capability based on their structural inputs. The authors collected a ..
Philippine Journal of Development
This quarter's Development Research News (DRN) focuses on challenges facing the Philippine human capital sector and ways to improv..
Development Research News
MANILA, Philippines—Despite medical advances, the staggering cost of cancer care has been pushing Filipino cancer patients away from better trea..
In the News
A party list lawmaker on Monday called on his colleagues at the House of Representatives to come up with laws that would help free Filipinos from out-..
In the News
Showing 61-75 of 522 items.