Hello PIDS friends! Here's our #PIDSFactFriday for the week on small-scale mining in the Philippines.

A PIDS study found that the livelihood opportunities brought about by small-scale mining have expanded, but not within formal or legal bounds. Small-scale mining in the Philippines has remained informal and mostly illegal. Local host communities have remained poor, safety and health concerns have reached critical levels, and environmental protection has not been pursued. The study attributed these issues to overlapping and conflicting policies among concerned national agencies and local governments, weak enforcement of regulations, and poor compliance monitoring. The study urges the government to promote legal compliance and formalization, strictly implement the People’s Small-scale Mining Act and complementary policies, ensure the protection of mining workers, and create more sustainable work opportunities in the mining areas.

Know more about the study titled “ Answering Critical Questions on Mining in the Philippines: Phase 2” here: https://www.pids.gov.ph/publications/6914


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