#PIDSInfoBits: Did you know that corn farming is one of the poorest agricultural sectors in the Philippines?

Among the ASEAN countries, the Philippines has one of the lowest corn yields, at only 4.215 metric tons (mt) per hectare in 2018. This is approximately 1 mt lower than the average corn yield in Indonesia, the most efficient corn producer in the region. This is partly because of the small average corn farm size, at only 0.54 hectares, which hinders Filipino corn farmers from achieving economies of scale.

Know more about the ascendancy of Philippines’ agri-fisheries sector in the value-added ladder by reading the PIDS study titled “Is Agriculture and Fisheries Ascending the Value-Added Ladder? The State of Agricultural Value Chains in the Philippines” available here: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/document/pidsdps2218.pdf

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