The Philippine Institute for Development Studies and the Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) International, held an international workshop on "The Digital Economy: Potential Benefits, Challenges, and Implications for Regulation," on October 25, 2017, Wednesday, from 9:00AM to 2:00PM at the PIDS Conference Hall.

This workshop marked the Philippine launch of the "Regional Inclusive Growth Programme," a joint project of PIDS and CUTS International. This new initiative highlights the need to strengthen the digital economy in India, Philippines, and Viet Nam. The central theme of the workshop was to understand the necessity of having in place optimal regulations for new-age businesses, to ensure inclusiveness, and to keep innovation on track. It featured two panel discussions on related issues.

The workshop envisaged deliberation on key issues including the potential benefits and challenges brought about by the digital economy which may assist policymakers in developing optimal regulations that may also evolve with innovations and technological shifts.
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