Dec 12, 2022 to Dec 12, 2023
Funding Agency:
Focus Area(s):
Trade and Industry, and International Economy
Project Director:
Quimba, Francis Mark A.

ERIA is engaging PIDS to be the project's National Consultant. As the National Consultant, PIDS is expected to conduct and deliver the following: 

a) Stakeholder mapping from the point of view of public/government institutions/agencies that govern the MSME sector in the country, presented in a presentation format to ERIA and OECD.

b) Draft survey results for midterm reporting.

c) Final version of the survey results and MSME country analysis.

 The data collection process will take place from December 2022 – February 2023, to be preceded by a national kick-off meeting between the National Coordinator, National Consultant and the relevant line ministries to introduce ASPI 2024 and the assessment grid to the relevant stakeholders.

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